Stone & Sun

Stone & Sun by Graham Edwards

The epic journey concludes at the summit of the world-wall …

By meddling with the magical structure of Stone, Jonah Lightfoot has created a duplicate of the entire world-wall. This twinning of the worlds has made it possible for the evil dragon Archan to rise once more.

Desperate to vanquish their enemy, Jonah and his companions set out on a hazardous quest to climb the vertiginous face of Stone. At the very top of the world-wall lies Sunlight Pass, the arena in which they will face Archan for the final time and the place where all the memories of the Stone converge into a single strand.

The battle for the future is about to begin – but the key to victory lies deep in the past.

  • “This is not another collection of fantasy clichés, but something rich and strange” – LineOne

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The story behind Stone & Sun

I remember vividly the eruption of Mount St Helens in 1980. I was fifteen years old and couldn’t believe something so Biblical could really happen. I guess it was inevitable I’d try to write the event into a book sooner or later. Doing so allowed me to introduce my Victorian explorer Jonah Lightfoot to a character from the late twentieth century – a culture clash I couldn’t resist.

Jonah meddles with time in quite a big way in the previous book, Stone & Sea, but only in this final novel of the trilogy do the full implications of his earlier actions become clear. I love the labyrinthine possibilities of time-travel and I wasn’t about to wrap up this long story without exploring it to the limits.

Stone & Sun begins with the following ‘quotation’:

Come with me now
Hold on tight
Trust me
I won’t let go

Actually it isn’t a quotation at all, but a message of reassurance from me to the reader. This was a tough book to write and, during the editing process, I realised the story had a lot of sharp edges. In some places it was in grave danger of falling apart altogether. I think I managed to smooth out the rough parts, and to get everything to hang together, but in truth I’m not certain who I was really trying to reassure with that faux quote – you or me.

So, does everything all work out in the end? What does Jonah discover when he reaches the summit of Amara? Does he finally solve the mysteries of the world-wall that is also known as Stone? More to the point, just how do you kill an immortal dragon?

To find out, you’ll have to read the book.

Book trailer

3 thoughts on “Stone & Sun

  1. Please reprint! I’ve only just found out you exist and I need all the books. If I buy a new copy you get the money so PLEASE reprint!

    And make sure you sell them in Canada.

    1. There are no reprint plans on the horizon, I’m afraid, but ebooks are a future possibility. In the meantime, good luck hunting down those elusive used editions.

      1. Since making my earlier comment, I’ve republished “Dragoncharm” and “Dragonstorm” in new ebook and paperback editions, also the complete “Stone” trilogy, with “Dragonflame” following close behind.

What do you think?